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Probate Advances In Florida

My name is John Marcano, and I’m the founder and CEO of Inheritance Advanced. I began providing probate advances in Florida because one of my friend’s fathers, passed away. And if it wasn’t bad enough that he actually lost his father, and he was certainly in the morning process and then all of a sudden got thrust into this what’s called the probate process is not easy. The probate process is not easy, even if you have a lawyer, things just happen. There are a lot of challenges throughout the entire process. First of all, it can take anywhere from 18 to 24 months and sometimes longer. 

What is the probate process like in Florida

The probate process in Florida is not like a TV commercial or a TV sitcom where, somebody passes away and within 30 minutes, you meet with the lawyer, and the families are all around the table. The lawyer goes ahead and reads a will, and everybody walks out with their money. That’s the TV version. The real-life version is hard, and it’s tough and things happen, and family members sometimes just need more guidance. And sometimes they need money to help them deal with things that are all of a sudden coming out of the woodwork.

How to family members deal with probate in Florida

Many times family members don’t expect to have to take the house and deal with repairs and taxes on the real estate. Like my friend’s father, he had a house that he left behind. And unfortunately, the property taxes need to be paid, and My friend’s father left behind a house that needed to be updated and kept up. The property taxes, mortgage payment, and repairs had to be taken care of which was unexpected for the family. Many family members involved in Florida probate cases don’t know how to deal with these issues which can occur during probate.

Customers have real-life needs that require financial assistance that come up every day during probate. They have real-life needs that come up every single day. A request we see consistently is keeping up with the house, some beneficiaries don’t even have money to bury their loved ones. There was no money upfront and everything has to be liquidated in that circumstance.

How long does probate take in Florida

And so all of these things are happening in probate. And not to mention the fact that here we are in 2020 and 2021 where COVID threw another monkey wrench into it. How long probate takes can be a concerning question for Floridians during normal times, where the average is 6 to 24 months but as a result of covid-19, probate can take anywhere from 9 months to 36 months. Heirs and beneficiaries anticipate getting the money that their loved one left behind for them as it was intended to happen but now it takes longer. Unfortunately, because of this really difficult process and all the things that come up during it, things don’t always work out that way. 

Probate Advance in Florida

We started Inheritance Advanced to focus on customers and helping them solve their financial needs because we understand. Sometimes people come in and their kids are off to college or they’re about to go to college and they need the funds or the roof over their head needs to be replaced or all these other things that come up like you are living in the property and with the deceased.

Probate Loan In Florida

So many people have asked me, what’s the difference between an advance and a loan? It’s actually a pretty simple question. Let’s start with a probate loan, a probate loan is the same thing as an estate loan, inheritance loan or personal loan. 

  • A probate loan actually requires a lien or an asset that backs the loan in order for it to be underwritten and granted. 
  • A probate loan has a term of 15 or 30 months. 
  • A personal loan is usually anywhere from, two years to five years, it could be an auto loan, home loan or personal loan. 
  • All probate loans require that whoever is giving you the loan, the bank or whatever financial institution that a credit check be completed before issuing the loan.
  • Review job history
  • Inheritance loans require a credit check

Banks require credit checks on probate loans because they want to make sure that you have the actual ability to repay the estate loan or inheritance loan. And part of that ability to repay is they want to make sure that you have good credit. And on top of that, they’re also going to look at your job history, because if you don’t have a job or if you’re not consistently working or don’t have a consistent income, then you’re not going to be able to repay their loan. On top of that, they’re also going to look at the income level that you’re making to make sure that the money that you have with all the bills that you might have in your life, that you’re still able to have enough income freed up, that you can make that monthly payment.

Inheritance Advances Are Different From Probate Loans

A probate advance or inheritance advance are the same thing and they constitute a purchase of the heir’s beneficial interest inside the estate. An example of a probate loan is let’s say you were getting $100,000 because you are one of two heirs and the property sold. And after all expenses, the total estate was 200,000. And out of the two heirs, you got half, which is 100,000, which means your share is $100,000 in the estate, so we would give you an advance on a portion of your $100,000.

We have the ability to give you an advance on your inheritance where we actually purchase part of your shares. So unlike a loan, we’re actually purchasing beneficial interest, part of your share in the estate. A probate advance or inheritance advance doesn’t require a credit check, income check or job history, because the truth is, everything is already there. The only thing that we’re checking on is what the value of the estate truly is and what the assets are worth.

Find out how much you can receive from your inheritance cash advance in Florida

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TIP: deduct loans, administrative fees, legal fees and all other expenses


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Receive An Immediate Inheritance Cash Advance In Florida

You shouldn’t have to move out of your house because you are waiting for the probate courts in Florida.

Then, you know, all of a sudden, now the house is being sold, and you need to move out and find another place. These are real-life problems that need real-life solutions. And our company, our funding executives, work every single day to help you with those issues. So let’s talk about a couple of things. First things first.

Give us a call and let us help you. We are located right in West Palm Beach Florida and are accredited with the BBB and retain and A+ rating.  We have top-notch probate funding executives who really are empathetic and care about your situation and circumstances. We understand that not only you’re in a process that you don’t quite understand and has been longer and taking longer than you want, but they understand that you’ve also lost the loved one. So give us a call. Let us help you, we offer a free consultation. You dial up our number, we will spend the time to will walk you through the process. And literally, once they go through that, once we discover that you legally are an heir to an estate in probate and the amount of money you will be inheriting, we can help you get a portion of that share of your inheritance within 24-48 hours.

Probate Advance Reviews Florida

Picture of John Marsano
John Marsano

Over the past 18 years John has had a dynamic leadership career providing strategic, creative and tactical execution of bankwide initiatives to enhance productivity, quality, customer service, technology and bottom-line financial performance. John has delivered millions of dollars of cost reductions over his career while also keeping a customer first and client satisfaction first attitude. 

Legal Disclaimer: Please note that Inheritance Advanced is not a lender. Inheritance advance does not provide probate loans, inheritance loans, or estate loans, rather, an advance on a portion of proceeds signed over to Inheritance Advanced. Inheritance Advanced is also not a probate attorney and any information in this article should not be misconstrued as legal advice. We recommend that you seek the advice of an attorney, CPA, and tax attorney regarding any decisions pertaining to your probate.

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Florida: Get Your Inheritance Cash Advance Now!

Our Inheritance Cash Advances help heirs receive a portion of their inheritance payout in just a few days. We then wait and are paid directly out of your share when the estate finally closes. We wait for probate so that you don’t have to. Click below and fill out our short form to receive an advance immediately.

If you are an Heir or Executor to an Estate, You Don’t Have To Wait For Probate!

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TIP: deduct loans, administrative fees, legal fees and all other expenses


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