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Executor Advance & Benefits

If you’re an executor to an estate in probate, then you may be eligible for an immediate Executor Cash Advance! With our simple 3-step process, you can gain access to a portion of the estate assets to improve property, pay estate bills, taxes or cover legal and insurance costs, Risk Free!  And as an added Executor Benefit, IA will cover up to $500 towards your Executor’s Bond insurance!

Call Now for more information or Click Apply Now to schedule a FREE Consultation!

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Start enjoying your inheritance.
Fast, easy, risk-free.

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Start enjoying your inheritance.
Fast, easy, risk-free.
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What Is An Executor Advance?

An executor is someone –typically a family member – appointed to be responsible for managing an estate after the passing of another. This means they will pay off debt, ensure remaining money and belongings are distributed properly, and overall carry out the wishes of the deceased.

An Executor Advance is an inheritance cash advance that is given to the executor to cover estate expenses and property improvements during the often lengthy legal process known as probate. For more information, you can read our guide on probate loans and the probate process.

Am I Eligible For An Executor Advance?

If you are an heir to an estate and have been appointed as the Executor, then you are eligible for an executor advance.  We will need to review and confirm your role as Executor to the Estate along with the registered probate case and assets to fully determine eligibility to receive an inheritance advance.

We start with a free consultation with a friendly and knowledgeable, IA Funding Executive.

Our trained, professional staff will take the time to clearly explain the process and answer all of your questions.

What Can I Spend My Executor Advance On?

  • Real Estate Property Repairs & Improvements
  • Funeral costs
  • Paying off Estate debt or bills
  • Estate Legal Fees & Insurance

Do You Need A Fast And Easy Inheritance Advance?

We are here for you. Whether it’s for funeral expenses, life’s necessities, or anything else, if you need access to your inheritance fast, Inheritance Advanced provides probate advances to customers in all 50 U.S. states and Canada. Contact us today to learn whether you’re eligible.

If you are an executor in one of the following states and need a probate loan, inheritance advance, probate advance or any other form of estate funding..

We are here to help guide you through to secure funding. If you are located in any of the following states, contact us now.

Get Your Inheritance Money Now!

Our Inheritance Cash Advances help heirs receive a portion of their inheritance payout in just a few days. We then wait and are paid directly out of your share when the estate finally closes. We wait for probate so that you don’t have to. Click below and fill out our short form to receive an advance immediately.

Probate Costs

Fill Out The Form & Get An Immediate Quote!

Choose Your Total Estate Value


TIP: deduct loans, administrative fees, legal fees and all other expenses


Select from 1% to 100%


Estimated Advance Amount
