If you get an inheritance advance will it cause the probate case to be delayed?
No, receiving an inheritance advance does not add any real extra steps to the probate process. When receiving an inheritance advance a contract is signed with the funding company called an assignment of beneficial interest.
What is an assignment of beneficial interest?
An assignment of beneficial interest is something that tells the court that upon distribution an agreed-upon amount will be transferred to another party. The process for beneficial interest is that the signed contract will be filed with the court. Copies go to the attorney involved as well as the executor involved as well as the heir involved in the inheritance advance. Receiving an inheritance advance (probate advance) does not delay the probate process at all that happens is at the end of the day when it comes to final distribution one more check is written in order to repay the advance, and that comes to us and that’s it.
Inheritance advances are easy
The only additional step an inheritance advance adds to the probate process is one more check being written and certainly doesn’t do anything to elongate the price process. So be secure in the fact that you’re getting the money in 24 to 48 hours. It doesn’t elongate the process. And quite frankly, it gets you what you need immediately.